Corporate Training
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About Corporate Training

Corporate training, or workplace learning, is a set of educational activities provided to employees, typically free of cost. It can cover a range of topics and improvement areas from soft skills to role-specific competencies. Corporate training benefits employees and businesses as it builds intellectual capital and upskills or reskills employees. The goal of a corporate training program is to enhance your employees’ personal and professional development. It can take place in a one-on-one or group setting, and it’s often led by a knowledgeable instructor. Some common examples of training courses include:
  • Compliance training
  • Technical skills training
  • Soft skills training
  • Onboarding and orientation
The goal of corporate training is to provide employees with skills and knowledge. So, it’s a part of corporate learning. To deliver a successful training program, employers need to align the goals of training with the business objectives. At the same time, the program must be engaging and meet your employees’ needs. One of the most engaging methods of corporate training is online learning. It is also called e-learning. INX-EDS works closely with a few corporate organisations in rendering Technology upskilling course and soft skill trainings