Kusama’s search (KSM): how this blockchain does not revolutionize layer 2 of layer 2

As a blockchain in the state of evidence of the slot machine, Ethereum is zero at the cyport of the cryptcore revolution. Howver, with the growing demand for scalability, the developers of Mani have transformed into alternative platforms to make more efficient and profitable transactions. On the support has a CIRDERANCE Attorneys de Kusama (KSM), a layer of layer 2 only by the Ethereum network.

What is Kusama? *

Kusama is a blockchain tut tut of proof of state (POS) to the law on the Etherela machine (EVM) with intelligent contracts executed. Illinal transadchaines such as Bitcoin, whites rely on the operating process for validation and transaction of verification, Cushase algorithm relieves from the EVM to the validation blocks.

Kusamas 2 has only put the design on a scale to resolve scalability problems associated with based solutions. As a lever on the EVM, Kusama can maintain several transactions by block, resulting in facial transactive time and an increase in flow. This approach allows a more effective use of calculation resources, by reducing the costs of associated with energy consumption and environmental impact.

Cay feature de Kusama


Correct customer features:


  • Proof-of-a (POS) *: As proof of proof, white reductions, white requires for the verification and vaccination of transactions.

  • Execution of the intelligent contract *: Wusing EVM S uses to execute intelligent contracts, allowing developers to create complex applications.

  • * Interability : as stability of partnerships with majority with blackchain platforms, integrations without semers high with ecosystems.

* The role of KSM in the layer of layer 2 only

Cusama (KSM) plays a crucial role in layer 2 scaling solutions by providing safety and scalable training for applications based on Ethereum. With decentralized (DEFI) and unpaid (NFT) financial markets and game applications, demand for effective transactive process, demand was exponentially.

Sleeve of unique KSM features for loan developers to create scalable and executive applications:

  • * Cost savings : Kummama 2 scale only reduces the energetic consumption of verification and valor, resulting as scientists scientists.

  • * Increase through : Support EVM Activating the forms of transaction time, buying it with real -time application of treatment with low lambey.

  • Improvement of value

    The Role of Kusama

    : The algorithm therefore of the POS of KSM provides a secure and transparent voting system, reducing the risk of actors of malicious activities.


Cusama (KSM) has revolutionized the world of blockchain scaling solutions by providing a wealthy base for applications based on Ethereum. With unique characteristics and partnerships with the Makecher blockchain platforms, Cusama is about to become for industry. As a developer continues to access greater efficiency and a profitable transaction process, Kusama is 2 on tiny tiling scale plays an increasingly important role.

* References:

  • Client team (2020). “Youtwork”. Recovered from

  • Ethereum Foundation (2020). “Etherreum 2.0”. Extract n

  • Chainlink Labs (2020). “Canince EVM”. Recovered from

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