Warehouse Automation
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Warehouse Automation

Logistics and warehousing constitute a critical link in the chain that connects the manufacturer to the eventual consumer. It is the efficiency of the logistics and distribution machinery of a business that dictates the reach time of their goods to the market, and cost efficiencies prove to be a big factor in enabling businesses to stay relevant in today’s uber competitive environment. This is especially true in the present-day internet age where businesses are forced to not just continually enhance their service but also cut costs to acquire and retain consumers. The e-commerce sector has been driving demand for logistics and warehousing across global markets and has emerged as the most prominent driver of Indian warehousing market volumes along with the 3PL sector. Our partner company provides Storage, Material Handling & Packaging Solutions. Who can assist in
  • All kinds of storage racks, Assembly line side part presentation racks & trolleys
  • Design, Development and Supply of packaging material (Bins, Pallets, Trolleys etc)
  • Contract packaging for CKD /SKD / CBU packaging
  • Automation such as Pick-to-light systems, conveyor systems etc.
Selection of storage system for given loading conditions, interfacing them with the material handling equipment’s, optimum pallet configuration, scissor lifts, cage lifts for multilevel handling form the part of our complete solution offering. The company been in existence for 4 decades plus and specialises in design, prototyping and manufacturing for Automotive and Defence establishments